• Begin tummy time

    Lifts head and holds head up while on tummy

    Pushes up on arms while on tummy

    Brings hands to mouth

    Moves arms and legs when excited

  • Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy

    Uses hands to support their body when sitting

    Brings hands and toys to midline

    Reaches for toys placed in front of them while on tummy

    Lifts head and chest while on tummy

    Reaches for feet while laying on their back

    Holds head steady and upright in all positions

    Transfers toys from one hand to the other while laying on their back

  • Sits without support

    Reaches for toys while sitting without falling

    Moves from sitting to tummy and tummy to sitting

    Extends arms to lift head and chest off floor while on tummy

    Pivots on tummy to reach for toys

    Begins to move forward with alternate arms and legs to creep or crawl

  • Pulls to stand

    Cruises along furniture

    Will begin standing independently

    Will start to take steps forward independently

  • Walks independently

    Crawls up and down the stairs

    Begins to move backwards and sideways

    Squats to pick up a toy

  • Walks on even or uneven surfaces without losing their balance

    Walks up stairs with support

    Jumps in place


    Kicks a ball forward

    Tosses a ball forward

    Stands on one leg for up to 3 seconds

  • Stands on one leg for 5 seconds

    Catches and throws a ball without losing their balance

    Walks on a line forward without losing their balance

    Hops on one foot

    Jumps down, forward and over objects with feet together

  • Stands on one leg for 10 seconds

    Skips and gallops forward

    Walks up and down the stairs with an alternate pattern

    Walk on a balance beam without losing their balance

    Hops forward